Upcoming Program Schedule & Holidays


Meetings are at 9:30 AM at:

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
2000 S Lemay Ave, Fort Collins, CO
The church is on Lemay just south of Prospect Ave. Easiest access to parking is to turn east onto Kirkwood Dr, 0.6 miles south of Prospect or 0.4 miles north of Drake.

Upcoming Events


Speaker:    Simon Wheeler
Program:  How to successfully market yourself

Many people don’t know how to network or market themselves in a balanced yet positive way. Simon Wheeler, a very skilled networker, and past NoCoNet member, will be teaching us how to make networking more natural and how to market yourself in a way that makes you stand out from the crowd.

Simon is an accomplished Vice President of product management with deep expertise in the product development life cycle, B2B go-to-market strategy, and execution. Known for delivering impactful strategic growth planning, highly successful business leadership, strong collaboration skills, effective demand generation, and compelling sales messaging. Passionate about managing and commercializing industry-changing products that address customer needs while creating increasingly profitable business growth. https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonphwheeler


Speaker:    Gabe Collett - LCEWD
Program:  Resume Tips



Meeting Access:

All meetings start at about 9:30. Please join us at around 9:15 for some additional discussion before we begin our program. This will be an opportunity to:

  • Help keep motivated
  • Interact with others
  • Share tips
  • Practice video meetings—employers who are hiring are using this tool for interviewing. you may need to use it for working from home.
  • Network with others. We’ll have questions for discussion